To subscribe to the monthly newsletter send an e-mail to: with subject SUBSCRIBE. You may read the Privacy Policy and your rights of use if you continue reading.


How to exercise your rights: Your may send a written letter to the e-mail address indicated in the heading of this legal warning, including in both cases a copy of your ID or other similar document, to exercise of the following rights:

Right to access personal data: you may ask for the treatment of your data.

Right to the correction (in case they are incorrect).

Right to limitation of treatment, in which case they will only be kept for the exercise or defense of claims.

Right to oppose to the treatment: the data will not be treated in the form indicated, except if for mandatory legitimate reasons, or the right, or defense of possible claims they must continue to be treated.

Right to the portability of rights: in case if you want your data to be treated by another website your data will be facilitated for portability to the new responsible person, previously identified as user via ID or other identity document, to avoid identity impersonation.

Right to the deletion of data: and except legally mandatory they will be deleted after confirmation.

Models, forms and more information of your rights: UN official website for Data Protection Laws

Possibility to remove your consent: in case you have granted your consent for any specific purpose, you have the right to remove it at any time, without affecting the legality of the previous treatment based in the previous consent to its removal.

How to claim before the Control Authority: If you consider there is a problem with the way your data is being handled, you may send your claims to the responsible of Security of (indicated above) or to the authority of data protection responsible, in this case the Spanish Agency of Data Protection.


Right to be forgotten and access to your personal data: At any time you have the right to revise, recover, anonymize and/or delete totally or partially, the data stored in the Web Site. You must only send an e-mail to and request it. 



Data Retention

Downloaded data: Downloaded data will be retained without expiring date.

Data from subscribers to the newsletter: Since the user subscribes to cancellation.


Secrecy and data security when using data, commits to respect your privacy and to use them according to the purpose of the same, as well as to comply with its obligation to store them take all measures to avoid their alteration, loss, treatment or access not authorized, according to the established in the Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21st of December by which was approved the development of the Organic Law 15:1999 of 13th of December, of Personal Data Protection. Spanish Law (European Union).

You guarantee: that your personal data provided by e-mail or forms are real, and are obliged to communicate any changes to them.

In the same way you guarantee that all the information provided is according with you present situation that is updated and exact. You must also maintain your data updated, being the only one responsible for their exactness or falseness of the data provided and of the prejudices that may cause to or third parties with respect to its use.


Security outbreaks uses security measures that are reasonably adequate to detect the existence of virus, mass brutal attracts and injections of code.

However, you must be conscience that security measures of computer systems in Internet are not entirely reliable and that, therefore cannot guarantee the inexistence of virus or other elements that may produce alterations in computer systems (software and hardware) of the User or in electronic documents and files included in the same.



All Bible Studies are offered as a non profit activity. The User or reader of the web can request his subscription to receive the “newsletter” via e-mail or if there were available, via contact forms, commentary forms and forms to register users.

This website always request the previous consent of users to treat their personal data with the indicated purpose. You have the right to cancel your consent at any moment.


Registration of activities and treatment of data

Web and hosting: has an SSL TLS v.1.2 that allows the secure sending of personal data through standard type contact forms, or by e-mail, hosted in the servers that has contracted in the US (you may ask for information of the type of server by e-mail which will remain hidden for obvious security reasons).

Data received through the web: Personal data received will be treated under automatically and incorporated in the corresponding files of which would be owner.

Your IP may be received, which will be used to check the origin of the message with the aim to offer you information, protection against SPAM and to identify possible irregularities (for example: opposed parts of the same case write in the same web from the same IP), as well as date relative to your ISP.

Also, you will be able to provide us with your data through e-mail and other media indicated in the contact section.

Subscription forms to Newsletter: : uses a system of service for sending newsletters (bulletins through e-mail) from (Mailchimp or similar) company established in the US, that stores your data or e-mail, name and acceptance to subscription. You may cancel your subscription to the bulletin at any time in the link for it at the bottom of each received.

E-mail: The company that provides e-mail services is Google, Inc, through Google apps.


Content inserted from other webs.

The articles at may include inserted content (f.ex. videos, images, articles, etc.). The inserted content from other websites behaves in the same manner as if the visitor has visited another web.

These webs may incorporate your date, use cookies, insert follow up from third party, and monitor your interaction with the inserted content, including following your interaction with the inserted content if you have an account or are connected to that web.

Purpose and legitimating: the purpose of the treatment of these data will be only to provide you with the information or services you request.



Activity: Bible Studies


Purpose of the web: Teach that Yahshua returns, His salvation message –the Gospel- for everyone who believes in Him, that they may know Him personally, because Bible prophecies all fulfil. Why did Yahshua have to die on the Cross for us?



Contact details: Carlos Padilla






What is a cookie?

A cookie is an inoffensive file that is downloaded in your computer when you access websites. Cookies allow a web page, amongst other things, to store and recover information about navigation habits or a user or from his computer and, depending on the information contained and the way it uses the computer.

That way, there are cookies that obtain information related with the number of pages visited, the city where the IP is linked from which the access comes, the number of new users, the frequency and recurrence of the visits, the time they spend, the browser, the operator or type of terminal from which the visit is made.


What IS NOT a cookie?

It is not a virus, nor a trojan or a worm, nor spam, nor spyware, nor opens pop-up windows.

What information does a cookie store?

Cookies usually do not store sensible information about the user, like credit cards or bank details, photos, ID or personal information, etc. The data they store are more technical, personal preferences, personalized content, etc.

The web server does not associate you as a person but your web browser. In fact, if you normally use Internet Explorer and you try to use Firefox or Chrome, you will see that the web does not know you are the same person, because in fact it is linked to the browser not the person.


What will happen if I deactivate cookies?

For you to understand the implications that deactivating cookies may have we show you an example:

You will not be able to share content of that website in Facebook, Twiter or any other social media.

The website will not be able to adapt content to your personal preferences, as it happens in online shops.

You will not be able to access the personal area of the web, as for example My account, or My profile, or My orders.

Online shops: It will be impossible to make online shopping, they will have to be by phone or physical visit to the shop, in case you have one.

It will not be possible to personalize your geographical preferences like time frame, currency or language.

The website will not be able to make analytics from visitors or website traffic which makes it difficult for the web to be competitive.

You will not be able to write on a blog, nor upload photos, publish comments, value or rate content. The web will not be able to know if it is a human or an automatic application that uses spam.

It will avoid sectorized publicity to be uploaded, which will reduce the income from publicity of that website.

All social media use cookies, if you deactivate them you will not be able to use any social media.

What type of cookies are there?

Types of cookies depending on the entity that administers the equipment or domain from where cookies are sent and treat the data obtained, we may distinguish:

  • Obligatory cookies: Are those sent to the computer of the user from an equipment or domain managed by the editor and from which the service requested by the user is given.
  • Third party cookies: Are those sent to the computer of the user from an equipment or domain not managed by the editor, but by another entity that manages the data obtained through the cookies.
  • In the case that the cookies are installed from an equipment or domain managed by the editor but the information that is obtained by these is managed by a third party, cannot be considered as own cookies.
  • Also, the browsers may allow the users to see and erase cookies More information is available about Cookies at: Wikipedia
  • Web Beacons
  • This site may host as well web beacons (also known as web bugs). Web beacons usually are small images of a pixel by a pixel, visible or invisible inserted inside the source code of the web pages of a site. Web beacons are for and are used in a similar way as cookies.
  • Also, web beacons are usually used to measure users traffic that visit a web page and unable to obtain a patron of the users of a site. You have more information about web beacons at: Wikipedia
  • Third party cookies:
  • In some cases we share information about visitors of this site in an anonymous or added with third parties as it may be with advertisers, sponsors or auditors with the only purpose of improving our services.
  • All these processing tasks will be regulated according to the legal norms and all rights about data protection will be respected according to the regulation in place.
  • This site measures the traffic with different solutions that may use cookies or web beacons to analyze what happens in our pages.
  • Currently we use the following solutions to measure traffic to this site.
  • You may have more information about the privacy policy in each of the solutions used for this matter:
  • How Google uses the data that obtains in web sites
  • Google (Analytics): Google Analytics Privacy Policy (if you chose so you may deactivate the follow up of Google Analytics through this function for the browser offered by Google).
  • This site may also include own publicity, of affiliates, or of publicity networks. This publicity is shown through publicity servers that also use cookies to show publicity content that matches the user’s interest.
  • Each of these publicity services has its own privacy policy, which can be checked in their own web pages.
  • What type of cookies are used in this site?
  • When you access we inform you that if you continue browsing several own cookies will be installed and from third party belonging to the analytics of the web to help the web analyze your use of the web site and improve the use of it, but in no case they are linked to data that could identify you.
  • The data stored are of technical nature, personal preferences, personalization of content, etc. The server does not relate you as a person but to your web browser.
  • This web uses own cookies and of third party to achieve a better browsing experience, may share content in social media, leave comments and obtain statistics from our users.
  • As user, you may reject the treatment of the date or the information blocking these cookies by the appropriate configuration or your browser.
  • However you must know that if you do not do it, this site may not work adequately. Therefore it is important that you read the present cookies policy and understand that if you continue browsing, we consider that you accept it.
  • You may change the configuration of your browser to be informed of the reception of cookies in your device or if you wish deactivate the capacity of storing those cookies in your device.
  • How are cookies managed?
  • Because cookies are normal text archives, they can be explored with the majority or text editors or text processing programs. You may click on a cookie to open it.
  • Following, a list of links is indicated about how to see cookies in different browsers. If you use another browser, check the information about cookies in your own browser. If you use a mobile phone, check the device manual to obtain more information.
  • Firefox:
  • Chrome:
  • Internet Explorer 8-10:
  • Safari:
  • Opera:

Cookies configuration for the more popular browsers

The following indications show how to access a selected cookie from Chrome browser. Note: these steps may vary depending on the browser version:

Go to Configuration or Preferences through the menu Archive or by clicking on the icon customize that appears on the top right.

You will find different sections, click the option Show advanced settings.

Go to Privacy, Content configuration.

Choose All cookies and data of sites.

A list will appear with all the cookies in order of domain. To make it easier for you to find the cookies of a specific domain type partially or totally the web address in the field Search Cookies.

After applying this filter one or various lines will appear on screen with the cookies of the chosen website. Now you only have to choose it and click the X to proceed to remove it.

To access the configuration of the cookies of the browser Internet Explorer follow these steps (they may vary depending on the browser’s version):

Go to Tools, Internet Options

Click on Privacy.

Move the wheel to adjust the level of privacy you prefer.

To access the configuration of coockies of the browser Firefox follow these steps (they may vary depending on the browser’s version):

  1. Go to Options Preferences depending on the operating system.
  2. Click on Privacy.
  3. At History choose Use a personal configuration for history.
  4. You will now see the option Accept cookies, you may activate it or deactivate it according to your preference.


To access the configuration of cookies of the browser Safari for OSX follow the following steps (they may vary depending on the browser’s version):

1.- Go to Preferences, then to Privacy.

2.- At this point you will see the option Block cookies so you can adjust the type of blockage you wish to choose.


To access the configuration of cookies of the browser Safari for IOS follow the following steps (they may vary depending on the browser’s version):

1.- Go to Preferences, then to Privacy.

2.- At this point you will see the option Block cookies so you can adjust the type of blockage you wish to choose.


To access the configuration of cookies of the browser for Android devices follow these steps (they may vary depending on the browser’s version):

1.- Open the browser and click on Menu button, then Settings.

2.- Go to Security and Privacy, you will see the option Accept cookies to activate or deactivate the box.


To access the configuration of cookies of the browser for Windows phone follow these steps (they may vary depending on the browser’s version):

1.- Open Internet Explorer, then More, then Settings.

2.- Now you can activate or deactivate the box Accept cookies.

If you wish you may deactivate the follow up of Google Analytics through this browser plug-in offered by Google.


Additional notes

Nor this web nor its legal representatives take responsibility of the content or of the veracity of the privacy policy that the mentioned third parties may have in this cookies policy.

The web browsers are the tools in charge of storing the cookies and from that place you may use your right of erasing or deactivation of the same. Nor this web nor its legal representatives can guarantee the correct or incorrect handling of the cookies by the mentioned browsers.

In some cases it is necessary to install cookies for the browser to not forget your decision of not accepting the same.

In the case of the cookies of Google Analytics, that company stores the cookies in servers located in the United States and it is committed to not share them with third parties, except in those cases when it is necessary for the correct functioning of the system or when the law obliges to that effect.

According to Google your IP. is not stored. Google Inc. is a company adhered to the agreement of Secure Port that guarantees that all the data transferred will be treated with a level of security according to the European norm.

For any doubt or consultation regarding this cookie policy you may contact us through the contact section.

Revise my preferences of cookies in this site

Again I remind you that you may always revise your preferences about the acceptance, or not, of the cookies in this web site.


LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CONTENT contains texts created with mare informative or divulgation purpose that may not reflect the present legislation situation or jurisprudence and that reflect general situations so the user can never apply its content to specific cases.

The opinions exposed in them may nor express necessarily the points of view of

The content of the articles published by cannot be considered, in any case, as a substitute of legal advice.

The user must not act on the base of the information contained in without counting previously with professional advice.


Rights of intellectual and industrial property

Through these General Conditions no intellectual or industrial right is given about the portal nor of any of its integrative elements, resulting in explicit prohibition to the User the reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, delivery to public disposition, extraction, reusing, forwarding or the use of any nature, through any media or procedure, of any of them, except in the cases where it is legally permitted or if authorized by the owner of the corresponding rights.

The user acknowledges and accepts that the totality of the web site, containing without exhaustive the text, the images, the designs, software, content (including structure, selection, order and presentation of the same), audio visual and graphic material, is prohibited under brands, author rights and other registered legitimate rights, according to the international treaties in which Spain is part and other rights on property and laws in Spain.

In case the user or a third party considers that a violation of its legitimate rights of intellectual property has occurred by the inclusion of a determinate content by you must notify such circumstance to indicating:

Personal information of the interested party ownr of the rights suposedly infringed, or indicate the representation with which a third party represents the interested party.

Identify the contents protected by the intellectual property rights and their location within, the accreditation of the rights of intellectual property referred and an explicit declaration in which the interested party takes responsibility of the veracity of the information provided in the notification.


Regulation and conflicts resolution

The present terms of use of comply in all and each of its terms with Spanish law. The language used to write and interpretation of these terms of use is Spanish translated to English.

This legal warning will not be archived individually for each user but will remain accessible through Internet at

The users may submit to the Arbitral Consumer System of which will form part to resolve any controversy or claim from this text or activity of, except to resolve those conflicts that carry a cause or development of an activity that requests colleague, in which case the user must contact the correspondent organ of the adequate colleague of lawyers.

The users that have the condition of consumers or users according to the definition of the Spanish norm and live in the European Union, if they have had a problem with an online purchase at, to try and reach an extrajudicial agreement can contact the Online Resolution Conflicts Platform (Plataforma de Resolución de Litigios en Línea), created by the European Union and developed by the European Commission under the (Regulation (UE) 524/2013).

Whenever the user is not a consumer or user, and when there is no regulation that obliges to other thing, the parts agree to submit to the Courts and Tribunals or Madrid, for being this the place of issuing the contract, with express waiver to any other jurisdiction that could correspond to them.



The access and/or use of to whom it does the condition of User, accepting, from the same moment, in full and without reservation, the present legal warning, as well as the particular conditions that, in which cases, complement it, in relation with certain services and contents of

The user is informed, and accepts, that the access to does not grant, in any case, the beginning of a commercial relationship with This way, the user commits to use the Web site, its services and contents without contravening the current legislation, the good faith and the public order.

It is prohibited to use this web with illicit or harmful purposes, or that, in any form, may cause prejudice or prevent the normal functioning of the Web site. With regards to the contents of this Web site, it is prohibited:

Its reproduction, distribution or modification, total or partially, unless you have the specific authorization of the legitimate owners.

Any infringement of the rights of the provider or its legitimate owners.

Its use for commercial or publicity purposes.


External Links

The pages of the Web provide links to other own websites and content that is owned by third parties.

The only purpose of the links is to provide the User the possibility to access those links, although does not take responsibility in any case of the results that may derive to the user by accessing those links.

The user who has the purpose of establishing any technical device of linking from his web site to the portal of must obtain a previous authorization in writing from

The establishment of the link does not imply in any case the existence or relationship between and the owner of the site in which a link to it is established, nor the acceptance or approval from of its contents or services.

If you access an external site from a link that is found at you must read their own privacy policy of the other site, as it may differ from the one at

Other user conditions of this web site:

The user agrees to make a diligent use of this web site and of the services accessible from it, with total submission to the Law, to the good practices and present legal warning.

Also, agrees to, except previously authorized, in writing and specific from to use the information included in this web site, exclusively for his private information, not being authorized nor direct or indirectly a commercial profit from the content to which there is access.

This site, the domain names and the property of the content belong to  The contact postal address is Carlos Padilla at P.O. Box 1065, Marbella (Málaga) Spain.

This web site contains hyperlinks that link to other web sites managed by third parties alien to our organization. does not guarantee nor takes responsibility of the content included in the mentioned web pages.

Except precise authorization, previous and in writing by, it is totally prohibited the reproduction, except for private use, the transformation, and in general any other form of profit, through any procedure, of all or part of the contents of this web site.

It is totally prohibited to do manipulate or alter this web site, without the precise authorization, previous and in writing by

Consequently, will not take any derived responsibility, or that could be derived, of such an alteration or manipulation by third parties.


ARCO Rights exercise

You may exercise, with regards to the obtained data, the rights recognized in the Organic Law 15/1999, of access, rectification or cancellation of data or opposition.

For this we inform you that you may exercise those rights through a written and signed application that you may send, together with your ID or Passport, to the postal address indicated above, to the name of or by e-mail, attaching a copy of your ID to:

Before 10 days we will reply to your request to confirm the execution of the right that you have requested to exercise.


Exclusion of guarantees and responsibilities does not grant any guarantee nor does it take responsibility, in any case, of the damages of any nature that may carry a cause of:

The lack of availability, maintenance and effective functioning of the website or of its services and contents;

The existence of virus, malicious programs or of harmful content;

The illegal use, or negligent, fraudulent or contrary to this Legal Warning;

The lack of legality, quality, reliability, utility and availability of the services granted by third parties and available to the users of the web site. does not take responsibility under any situation of the damages that could be derived from the illegal or improper use of this web site.

European Platform for resolution of litigations online

The European Commission provides a platform for resolution of litigations online which is available in the following link: The consumers may submit their claims through the platform of online litigations resolution.


Applicable law and jurisdiction

In general the relationship between and the users of its telematic services, present in this web site, are submitted under Spanish law and jurisdiction.

Our privacy policy describes how we collect, keep and use the information requested through the different services or available pages in this site.

It is important that you understand which information we collect and how we use it because the access to this site implies the acceptance of our privacy policy.

Acceptance and consent

The user declares being informed of the conditions of personal data protection, accepting and giving consent to the treatment of the same by, in the form and purposes indicated in this privacy policy.

Commercial e-mails

In accordance with the present legislation, does not practice SPAM, and therefore does not send commercial e-mails that have not been previously requested or authorized by the user.

Consequently, in each of the forms of, the User has the possibility of giving his specific consent to receive our Newsletter/bulletin, independently from the commercial information specifically requested.

The basic structure of this legal text has been taken from the web of Ayuda WordPress, from Fernándo Tellado, through his specific authorization in his own website and to whom I want to thank from here for his dedication and to whom I give credit. Link to his web:

This privacy page has licence Creative Commons Attribution by 4.0